"The only real security is not in owning or possessing, not in demanding or expecting, not in hoping, even. Security in a relationship lies neither in looking back to what it was, nor forward to what it might be, but living in the present and accepting it as it is now." - Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Over the years, friends, women, and even men, have come to me with questions about relationships. It is only natural for us to look for advice about love. Romance is a central part of our lives. Nearly everyone, including myself, has experienced some sort of confusion, problem, or heart ache over a relationship. I was recently reminded of a piece advice that I often give women. I decided that I would write about it because I think it's something that every woman ought to know when considering a romantic relationship.
Never go emotionally where you haven't been led.
I have witnessed countless situations in which a girl really likes a guy. She thinks he is the most wonderful man in the world, adores his big eyes, knows she has finally witnessed a physical example of the Greek gods, and is convinced that the two of them should be listed as "in a relationship" on Facebook. Next thing you know, she is reporting several situations that have occurred confirming her suspicions that the feelings are mutual. For some reason or another, the glance of his eyes, the tone in his voice, the way he leaned in at the table, the particular question he asked her, must mean he loves her.Well, I hate to bust your bubble, but that is not necessarily true. He might not actually love you in the way you are convinced he does.
I want to point out three common possibilities. First, this guy is a player and he is emotionally manipulating you. Second, the guy that you have fallen so hard over does not, in reality, have any romantic feelings towards you. He only considers you a friend. The third possibility is that he really is crushing on you, but he is not ready to move into a relationship, so he keeps his distance.
This is the point in which we women often step in and make this whole relationship process very difficult for ourselves. Women have a tendency to analyze everything, especially in relationships. When you like a guy, you start analyzing everything he does and says. It's as if you are trying to muster up something to prove he likes you back. Well, let me tell you something, the only person you are trying to prove his intentions to is yourself. No one else is trying to figure it out. Yes, your friends will indulge your fantasies, but when you're not around, they don't think about it. The more and more you try to analyze if he likes you, the more and more you become emotionally connected to him. As your emotional attachment increases, so do your expectations about the relationship. The guy does or says the smallest thing, and, because you are looking for it, you interpret his actions as proof that he likes you.
Over time, you start to become discouraged about the whole thing. Your frustration is coming from your emotional attachment to a guy who has never given you any proof that he loves you. You have successfully allowed yourself to go emotionally where you have never been led. Maybe your relationship isn't Facebook official, but in your heart, you are dating the man. You are emotionally attached in a way that can only exist in a relationship. No wonder you're feeling frustrated; your heart and mind are living in a place that doesn't exist.
Instead of trying to analyze the situation and come up with proof that he likes you, just wait. I'm not saying you have to stop liking him, but that you should stop trying to move the relationship forward. If this guy likes you, he will make it clear to you, and you won't have to question or analyze his intentions. He will let you know when he is ready. Trust me, you don't want to get in a relationship with someone before he is ready. Until then, wait, be patient, and see what happens. If he doesn't like you, nothing will happen. Of course, that would be extremely disappointing, but at least you won't get yourself heartbroken because you allowed yourself to emotionally be in a relationship that doesn't exist. The other option is that he does like you, and he will eventually let you know. Maybe the relationship doesn't start when you want it to, but it will start when he is ready for it. You want to be in a relationship when you are both ready. If he does like you, you still need to be careful not to move emotionally where he has not taken you. Only allow yourself to go where he has clearly led you. Otherwise you will find yourself confused, frustrated, and irritated. Until then, be patient, use some self-control, and don't go emotionally where you haven't been led.
Thank you :)