March 19, 2013

Letters to Someone...

Over the past several weeks, I have unknowingly begun a blog series. I may not even call it a blog series. It's really more of a blog continuation. At this point, I'm not sure when or if this will end. It's still developing. This may become another permanent addition to my blog because this is something that I am passionate about sharing with all of you.

For a long time now, I have struggled with what to write. I always feel pressured to write about DIY's, tips, and how-to's, none of which I am overly devoted to. Thankfully, my husband graciously pointed out to me that, more often than not, I write what I think people want to hear, not what is on my heart to share. At first I was frustrated when I realized this, because I don't want to waste my time writing about things that aren't important to me. If I'm going to spend time blogging, it's going to be because I am passionate about what I'm writing.

After hearing my husband's confrontation, I sat down and wrote one of my favorite posts, To the Dreamer. It was written as a letter from me to all the other dreamers out there. Once I published it, I realized that I have several different letters that I want to write. Not long after that, I wrote another post, To the Perfectionist. While writing these letters, I discovered there are so many words of encouragement and wisdom that I want to share with particular groups of people. Each of these words come straight from my heart, and I am passionate about sharing and sending them. That's when I realized that I want to add a new piece to my blog, and I have decided to call this, Letters to Someone.

Letters to Someone will be a series of letters for all different types of people in all different walks of life. I am going to share what's on my heart with all of you through these letters. I pray that all my letters will be sent to the correct address, and I don't receive any that are stamped with "return to sender." Be on the lookout, because the next letter I write may be for you to open.

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog!! Heather, I love it! Fabulous. You are amazing with words. Love you so much!

    <3 Ria
