July 24, 2012

Dove Days

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."
James 1:2-4   ESV

We all face trials in life. They are an inevitable part of living that everyone must go through. Trials may come in the form of frustration, irritation, financial hardship, relational problems, a broken heart, discouragement, rejection, transition, anger, hopelessness, or fear. No matter what form they take, we have to continue to press on, press forward, and press through.

You may be wondering why I am talking about trials on a page called "Dove Days." I promise; I have a point. Several years back, during a strenuous time in my life, I created something I like to call "Dove Days." It sounds silly, I know, but it has been a way for me to process through frustrations and reconcile difficulties that I have faced.

The process of a Dove Day goes like this. When you feel overwhelmed by a problem, go quickly and find a dear friend. (I've found that friends of the same gender work best in this case, though spouses take a close second.) Go to the store and purchase a bag of Dove chocolate singles. It can be any kind of chocolate you prefer: dark, milk, raspberry swirls, with almonds, or with caramel. Once you have bought the chocolate, pick a place that you find most comforting or calming. It can be a coffee shop, your room, a park, beside a fire, or by the lake. Just choose whatever works for you. At this point, sit down with your friend (or walk if you prefer) and vent. Let everything out. Whatever may bothering you, share it all. Release all the emotion, frustration, anger, and confusion you may be feeling. Once you have shared everything, open the bag of chocolate, and enjoy.

Each Dove single is not only wrapped in tin foil, but it is also wrapped in a promise. As you and your friend open each chocolate, read the promise out loud. Think of each statement as a promise to help you work through your problem. Now, let me be clear that I am in no way superstitious. I don't believe these little tin foil trifles to be some form of fortune telling. These Dove promises are, however, a silly way to find fun, hope, love, and laughter in the most troubling situations. Instead of focusing on the challenge, they challenge you to shift your attention to something as lighthearted as a Dove promise. The chocolates are simply used as a transition. They force you to move on. This gives the chance for hope to grow while hopelessness dies. Not only do you get to eat chocolate, but you get to enjoy the smiles and company of a compassionate friend. Dove Days are an opportunity to lean on a friend, share a sorrow, share a smile, make a memory, and move forward. That is the key. 

That is why this page is called Dove Days. They are special moments devoted to fighting through hardship. Dove Days force you to face your problems, lean on a friend, and let hope grow in your heart. From this point on, this page will be dedicated to addressing all sorts of topics regarding trials. Until then, if you are facing adversity, grab a friend, and give Dove Days a try.

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